Tuesday, June 23


We're here!!!!!!!! I'm safe... I guess as safe as I can be in Africa! I am in an internet cafe. Paying money for these slow minutes. I will be able to write out the rest of my journaling tomorrow when we reach Annie's Lodge. Just wanted to tell everyone we're here!!!! Miss you all!!!!



Unknown said...

Glad you are there...seen any monkeys yet? Mom

tracedaddy said...

Went to elkin and only took 15 kids. I talked Christy Hodge into filling out a dq slip for Julianna Prim for the fly that was checked other and said she had her swim cap on backwards. Sybil did not think it was funny. she is such a bad word. Glad you got there safe. Dont get eaten by any lions. TraceDaddy

JIMDVM said...

Hey Kels - welcome to Africa! What an adventure. Mr. Miller brought his dog in today and said you were the best tenant he had ever had. He wants you to live in all of his apt.
He says you are quiet and never complain! Have a good day - eat well and sleep when you can.

Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Hey, Kels!! I tried texting you Sunday, but I think you were probably already gone by then. I hope you have a wonderful time. I'll try to keep checking your blog and see what all is going on. Miss you! See you when you get back!